Information technologies are developing too fast and they are getting fast. More people joins this race each day and it is getting real more then the reality itself. This is just an illusion, however, most people accept the internet as a fact and societies are changing related to that. Don’t take that internet too serious. This is my advice to you. For example, at my teenager years, my friends and i post some photos just for fun and don’t expect anything from the viewer. We just have fun and continue our lives, but now every like is an opportunity to sell some useless shit to a person across to globe. The internet lead humanity to the age of consumerism. Personally, I find this situation too sad because the satisfaction criteria of people is getting higher each day, because of this social media and consumerism. I believe that happiness is something that runs away if you chase it. So, first of all you need to develop a perspective which gives you satisfaction from the little details in life. Otherwise, you literally fuck yourself and the world simultaneously. You just create huge amount of carbon footprint for your instant dopamine release from consuming random stuff. So use your brain for god sake.
I remember the times that women are sexy and unique. Now they all seem same, nothing special about them. They look like a consuming machine and they look really unsatisfied from anything. This is really sad. I don't use any social media from a very long time. Is it because of this Instagram, a social media platform where someone is always having a better life than you? This is just a pictures with high saturation, and all those pictures are fake. They are just pixels. How can you be that stupid to see that’s an actual reality? You just blinded with the illusion. For me it is equal to believing magic show like it is real. This is too sad. So if you want to be beautiful and sexy, you don't really need another face cream but a brain and mentality. If you feel as the most beautiful and sexy woman on the planet, you became. However if you search fake photoshop images, you literally lost your focus on yourself and your self-esteem decreases.
By the way I am not asking any money or anything related with that. I just write because I am having a good time while writing. So if I offend someone with my ideology, sorry about that. I am doing this for free so I can say whatever I want. I believe that if you do something for free, you are freely doing it. That makes sense right? Take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and girls are pretty.